Unconquered Sun - Artist

Unconquered Sun

Artist's Journey


Step through the ‘darkened’ doorway to a place where seeds of unknowing lie dormant. With sure and steady step, journey further into this sacred realm wherein the gentle goddess sleeps. Gather into yourself those seeds buried deep in the heart of your soul... feel the gifts of their passage through time… and wait… Allow your opened heart to embrace the fullness of all you believed yourself to be… and let it all go. Into the darkness of the goddess’ realm you travel… step by step you tread the Long Walk… your naked  and vulnerable soul laid bare at her feet… And there, in the stillness, her sweet compassion unveils secrets of the perennial…


Many visions, especially those revealing the way of nature, are made up of photos taken whilst walking my dog in our local area; Unconquered Sun is one of them. With the exception of the geometry every layer depicts a scene from an enchanted winter wonderland. Some are obvious - a frozen canal, trees dressed in their winter coats and devas embracing the sheer magnificence of winters glory - others are less so, and involved standing in a shallow stream to photograph thin slivers of ice that formed a delicate veneer to the water flowing beneath. It is amazing what you can find when you open your eyes on an everyday walk. Individual photos, as well as the geometry, making up the finished piece may be viewed here

Having gathered the photos together I set about blending them to create a vision of reality. Not a quick process but one I thoroughly enjoy. Playing with images, moving them about, applying filters and experimenting with different blending techniques is a source of pure joy for me. And when the finished artwork appears from out of nowhere, I never cease to be amazed - and humbled - by the process. Nature's Way visions have an additional step - applied during or after the playing - where the layers are cut vertically in half, copied, flipped and then married to create a mirrored image. This is the icing on the cake, for their point of union is where nature spirits put in an appearance. Look to the centre and you will see them all lined up, one on top of the other, to form a totem pole of mischievous (sometimes), otherworldly beings vying for attention.

Naming took a somewhat circuitous route. I knew it had something to do winter - obviously - and it was approaching the time of the solstice, but so what? Nothing was forthcoming so I did some research into the winter solstice. "What's it all about other than being cold?" I asked.  "And what is the meaning of the word, 'solstice'?" After traipsing down several blind alleys, I stumbled across the words, 'unconquered sun,' but was still none the wiser. Why is the sun unconquered? I wondered. More digging. And then, 'the sun is unconquered because, even though it is at its weakest point, it still emits light.' The sun will never be conquered as even in its darkest hour, even when at its lowest ebb, it still emits light. WOW! This blew me away - still does, if I'm honest. As to the word, 'solstice' - it, quite literally, means, 'sun stands still.' For three days it doesn't move. A perfect period for turning inward, wouldn't you say?


Unconquered Sun then, is a calling to be still. It is an open invitation to embrace the gift of darkness this season of minimal daylight brings, to gather unto yourself all those parts that have been buried in the frozen recesses of your heart for far too long, and to allow the warmth of a forgiving sun, so gentle in its expression of love, to melt the ice. Now watch as all that has held you captive to the frozen wastes of time... emit the greatest light.

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